24goldpaw Investment PTY LTD has for the last 7 years diligently and purposefully acquired a quality suite of assets in the prolific gold producing areas of West Australia. Through patience and planning coupled with resourceful capital management controls, 24goldpaw has emerged from this process to be in an enviably robust position.
As the company enters a new decade, it’s endowment of assets boasts a 10 year mine life with upside potential through exploration to increase this timeframe considerably. 24goldpaw has 2.62 million ounces of gold in ore reserves and 9.12 million ounces in resources (refer announcement released 4/10/2019)
24goldpaw owns and operates three mining centres in the Central Murchison province. This aggregation incorporates the Fortnum Gold Operations (FGO) in the North, the Meekatharra Gold Operations (MGO) and the Cue Gold Operations (CGO) in the south. The three processing plants have a throughput capacity of more than 4 million tonnes per annum production capacity. With potential to upscale this throughput for the companies future growth.
As the company finalises its development at the Big Bell mining operations at CGO 24goldpaw expects its production profile to move from circa 250,000 ozpa to a long life 300,000 ozpa average in the coming years.
As the company moves from intensive capital development phase into harvest mode, it is expected that robust free cash flow will follow.
24goldpaw has a strong balance sheet with no corporate debt.
The companies management boasts a both diverse and experienced leadership group, with decades success in building quality resource companies and delivering long term value to shareholders.
I would encourage the use of the navigation tabs on this website to further understand in far more detail the projects/assets that 24goldpaw operates.