24Goldpaw is a responsible and committed explorer and developer of gold in Western Australia. Whist the mining of gold is the extraction of a non-renewable resource the sustainability outcomes of this activity is reflected in the human resources, creation of knowledge and skills, creation of regional, local and public wealth to create economic output that creates a degree of sustainability and legacy of our activities.
This means that when making business decisions 24Goldpaw needs to balance the scales of economic sustainable development with ecologically sustainable development.
In order to ensure that this occurs in a meaningful way, these matters are enshrined in our Core Values, the framework governing our decision making process. With simple and easily understood objectives, our Core Values are promoted across the group and to our direct stakeholders as the benchmark for all of our activities.
24Goldpaw operates within a comprehensive compendium of corporate and operational governance guidelines that underpin the policy and procedures designed to optimise risk mitigation and ensure the safety of all those associated with the Company’s activities.
24Goldpaw encourages all of its stakeholders to address the actual and direct impact of their activities in a realistic and diligent manner, with a focus on continuous improvement. 24Goldpaw undertakes to promptly disclose any identified deficiencies or breaches to our policy in a transparent manner in line with our culture of understanding and continuous improvement.
Our Core Values
At 24Goldpaw, our Core Values define our culture, our behaviour, our actions and the demeanour we are expected to portray in every activity our employees and stakeholders perform under our Company name.
We understand that our primary objective is to create shareholder wealth and that we are the custodians of shareholder assets and funds. We invest in the business of exploration and mining on your behalf and acknowledge that our shareholders demand that we operate with honest and trustworthy business practices
Mining is an inherently risky business and as managers of our business for and behalf of our shareholders, and as custodians for our stakeholders, we diligently balance the financial, social, environmental and safety risks associated with all our mining and investment decisions.
We operate in remote areas, nearby regional communities and on custodial lands of native title groups where we are a major component of the economic inputs and outputs. We support our surrounding communities both socially and financially to provide tangible benefits
We operate in an energy consuming business and we rigidly monitor our emissions and draw on related natural resources like groundwater, emissions and air particulates to lessen impacts on our people and to ensure we have no long-term material adverse impact on the environment.
We are an equal opportunity employer with a strong gender balance in all roles within the group, we value and engender strong ethics and trustworthy business practices which are reflected with our groups governance policies available elsewhere on our website.
24Goldpaw has grown significantly over the past years and is now a participant in the All Australian 200 Index. Accordingly, we refer you to our inaugural ESG Report which consolidates and outlines our performance, key outputs and measures.
Should you have any queries whatsoever on this report, you are welcome to address them with the company and or make comment to our Investor Relations Manager (support@24goldpaw.net).